Thanks to a dear brother,
Praise THE LORD-Halleluiah.Dear brother since it is my late mail but ever green memoirs of thoughts regarding my HOLY LAND trip with you when i attend the service in the church when the gospel reading takes place immediately my thoughts remind you and Fr Michael. The prayers, the homily and the holy masses in the basilicas are really a golden opportunities in my life. Beyond this your non commercial efforts to the people are appreciable and applaudable.your caring and loving effotrs are immeasurable.Even at home unableto managea single senior citizen but totally how wonderfully you managed the whole people. Dear brother all you do for the sake of GOD will bring you and your family a long life,richness and honour today and your life through.Since i was the only one from extremely south all our pilgrims were very lovable and concern. once again my heart felt thanks and wishes.
your loving sister