The tour would not have been the same without you

Hello Jenson,
Hope you are doing well. We just returned to Chicago after spending some time with our daughter in Italy.
We both really want to thank you for the wonderful tour we had with you. Though we were travelling in the bus covering hundreds of miles every day,

we did not feel that much tired mainly because of your humour in the bus and the sufficient break you gave in between. Every one was looking forward for you to take up the microphone and address the crowd with your humour. We can confidently say that the tour would not have been the same without you accompanying us. The main reason we made this trip was because of the Holy Land tour we made with you in March, 2014. We appreciate the care and concern you show for all, specially the senior citizens. We want to stress that you give more importance to include visits to as many places of interest as possible. Also the hotels and the food you arranged were comfortable and good. This evidently proves that your priority is the spiritual enrichment of the pilgrims and also the pleasure aspect , not caring to make as much profit as possible, May God bless you in your endeavours. God willing we would love to make another trip with you in the future, provided that you accompany the tour.!!

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