It is a wonderful work that you are accomplishing

Dear Jenson & Patricia,
This letter on behalf of my mother Mrs. Philomena D’sa. I wanted to thank you for everything that you did to make the Holy Land pilgrimage possible. I had a wonderful time!
I didn’t know how it would be possible because I couldn’t just go over there by myself. But you made my dream possible. Not only was I able to go the Holy Land, thanks to you, but I was able to go under the best possible circumstances. To go with a group of fellow Traditional Catholics on a holy pilgrimage with an excellent Catholic tour guide and great priests to give us daily Mass and the sacraments, it just couldn’t get better! Thank you so much for all of your hard works that made this possible. I still can’t believe that I have actually walked in the footsteps of Our Lord and seen and touched those places that are so sacred and so important to our Faith. What a tremendous blessing! I only pray that I was able to obtain all of the graces that were made possible to me. I enjoyed meeting everyone in the group, all of the pilgrims seemed to get along well and enjoy each others company. By the end of the pilgrimage it felt like we were all a big family. It was so much fun. I was so impressed with Jenson, our organizer. Mr. Jenson was fantastic and he did an excellent job. I must also say that I felt safe the whole time we were there. I could honestly say that I didn’t have to worry because I felt so safe. I trusted you all, Mr Jenson, and of course, God. Thank you again for all of your hard work prior to and during the pilgrimage. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for the opportunity to go to all of those holy places. It is a wonderful work that you are accomplishing and I pray that God will richly reward you for it. I hope to see you again someday soon. We’ll see what God’s plans are for me.
God Bless you and keep you always.
Best Wishes.

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