Dream fulfilled

I am Berthilda Mendes age 72 before going on the tour my legs were very weak I was unable to work I use to see people much behind me racing before me I use to carry what has happened to me why are my legs gone so weak, but I didn’t tell anyone at home or they would cancel my trip that was my fear but

God was with me n His angels that was my belief. I on my own couldn’t even dream of this trip I really couldn’t effort one day when I came from Sunday mass I went to see my daughter my son in law said to me I want to fulfill your dreams, I told him how you know my dreams n what is it he said Europe trip I just couldn’t say yes as it’s a big amount, he looked into my eyes n said I know you like to go n immediately paid the amount. I was so sick any time I would get convulsions n everyone msgs I was receiving from India n abroad don’t go ( don’t send her) I was very sad but my faith was strong I didn’t ask for this God has decided for me he will make a way.I was very happy till than I was recovering I was saying Praise the Lord. ten days before again I had problem of walking n they were saying that you have to walk a lot, the day I reached Rome there was strength in my legs till the end I was always first to walk even racing the men Jenson must have noticed that. On the whole I enjoyed the trip hotels n food especially Jensen’s stories God bless Jenson tours may you God given ministry taking the pilgrim’s flourish n God’s strength be with you to menage the pilgrim’s I know its a tough task.

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