Thank you

Dear Jenson :

An attitude of gratitude according to me, should be an integral part of the Be-attitudes, and therefore this note of thanks, to say thank you – Thank you for being You.

Thank you Fr for your spiritual guidance during our Holyland tour. Thank you for setting us on the right footing of making this a pilrimage rather than a sight-seeing tour or a shopping spree. At the outset, I would like to say I am sorry that we did divert from the itinerary and visit the Museum. I am sorry not because I see something wrong in visiting the Museum, but because it could have led to us losing our focus and maybe many others taking their own decisions. I know you were praying for us while we were out of your sight, and that is why the first person we met on our return was you. Thank you.

Thank you for your spiritual inputs. Your insights have always been double-edged, to comfort and confront. And in this, God has blessed you with His Word, which is a double-edged sword. May you continue to be His faithful Minister, leading the lost sheep back to the Shepherd and Guardian of our souls.

Thank you for your continued prayers, both with us and for us. The good Lord alone knows how much each of us needed it.

You will continue to be in our prayers and may our souls to whom you have ministered be your joy and consolation, both here and in Heaven – your beautiful and everlasting crown.

Jenson : Thank you for showing us another side of the gruff telephonic voice. Thank you for sharing with us your personal experiences – something you did not need to do, and yet you exposed yourself, in order to enrich us. Thank you. May you continue to take many others to the Holyland and may God minister to you and your family, even as you touch the lives of so many souls through this ministry. God bless you.

Yours in Christ Jesus
Annie Luis